WASHINGTON – Congressman Greg Gianforte recognized Katie Dasinger of Sidney with his Spirit of Montana commendation for her leadership, commitment to promoting community service, and efforts to develop young professionals.
Dasinger is founder and president of Sidney Young Professionals, a group focused on community service as well as personal and professional development. The organization regularly organizes entrepreneurship panels, roundtable discussions, public forums, training programs, and tours of local businesses.
Gianforte’s Spirit of Montana is a weekly recognition of Montanans for their accomplishments, dedication, or service. Gianforte highlights the recipient in the U.S. House of Representatives and personally contacts the honorees.
Gianforte encourages anyone to nominate Montanans for the Spirit of Montana award by contacting his office at 202-225-3211 or by e-mail at https://gianforte.house.gov/contact/email.
Gianforte’s statement in the Congressional Record follows:
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Katie Dasinger of Sidney for her efforts to engage young professionals in Eastern Montana to serve their communities and develop their skills.
Dasinger is founder and president of Sidney Young Professionals (SYP), a group focused on community service as well as personal and professional development. The program coordinator for the Richland Economic Development Corporation (REDC) in Sidney, Dasinger launched SYP in 2016.
SYP recently held its annual winter school benefit which was dedicated to helping teachers replenish their classrooms with supplies, equipment, and other items for the new school semester. SYP collected more than 25 large shopping bags of supplies as well as donations from the public and local businesses.
SYP regularly organizes entrepreneurship panels, roundtable discussions, public forums, training programs, and tours of area businesses.
When a court ruling threatened the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project (LYIP) at nearby Intake, SYP and REDC coordinated bus tours, organized educational outreach, and bolstered community support for the vital irrigation project. Their efforts contributed to a positive outcome for the thousands of area residents who rely on the LYIP to irrigate crops and provide water for their municipal systems.
“We want to engage young adults to invest in their communities, get to know the local business and community leaders, serve on local boards, and take part in community events. It’s important young people have a reason to stay connected to the area,” said Dasinger, who Montana Young Professionals recognized as the Young Professional Woman of the Year for 2018.
Mr. Speaker, for her leadership, commitment to promoting community service, and efforts to develop young professionals in her community, I recognize Katie Dasinger for her spirit of Montana.