Dawson County High School


From Glendive Public School

Grab-and-go lunch will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all enrolled Glendive Public School students starting on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 (Monday – Friday). Meals may be picked up at the school nearest your home, or the following locations:

DCHS North Cafeteria/Gym doors;Image may contain: outdoor

WMS South Playground doors;Image may contain: outdoor

LES South Kitchen Doors (by freezer);Image may contain: basketball court and outdoor

JES Front Foyer Doors.Image may contain: outdoor

The enrolled student or parent/guardian of the student must be present to take the grab-and-go meal. At that time, they must give their name and number to school staff. Nobody will be allowed inside the school. Bags will be distributed outside the door. For your protection, we are requiring everyone coming to pick up meals to practice social distancing (6 feet away from everyone). Please do not congregate when waiting for your turn. Please look for directions that will be posted.

Please be on the lookout for Breakfast coming soon. We are currently ordering and will start distributing as soon as we are able.