Save the Date for this years’ Hike for Hope!
This is a fundraiser for the Glendive Community Cancer Fund which helps cancer patients in the area with some financial assistance. These patients may be your neighbors, friends and/or family. And all money raised will go directly to them.
If you would like a t-shirt for this year, you will need to pre-register by April 8th. We will not be ordering any extra t-shirts this year, so please take note of this. Everyone who PRE-registers by April 8th, will get a t-shirt and a rock that has been painted on one side, and can have a name put on the other side in honor or in memory of whoever you choose.
Regular registration will be from 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Sagebrush Senior Center in Glendive. Additional rocks can be purchased at $5 each. Following registration we will have a short program before beginning our hike. Tailgators Food Truck will be available from approximately 11:30 a.m. Stop down and have lunch!
You can pick up registration forms at Stockman Bank, the Enchanted Room and Enchanted Living. More spots may be added soon. You can also message Glendive Community Cancer Fund on Facebook to request a registration form be emailed to you. Or, check with any GCCF Board Member.
Everyone is invited to share in this event and help us help those who are fighting cancer.
We hope you can participate!
Sagebrush Senior Center