Attic Reopening Date


We want to THANK all our gracious and dedicated customers and donors!
In effort to keep our volunteers and customers safe and healthy we are asking people to respect the following guidelines when shopping at the ATTIC

The Attic will be opening Monday, May 11th and will only be open Mondays AND Thursdays from 9-5 with these guidelines:

* For the safety of everyone, we will be conducting
health assessments prior to entering
* ½ hour shopping only
* One person per family
* Ten shoppers at a time
* No children at this time
* A shopping cart is required to help maintain 6’ distancing
* Restrooms and Dressing Rooms temporarily closed
* Masks, gloves, sanitizer and wipes available and encouraged

*** TEMPORARY DONATION drop off is on the pallets by side door closest to the Gazebo Park Monday- Friday 9-4