Dawson Community College fosters a culture of excellence in education providing all students quality learning and opportunities for growth and partnership in local and global communities.
Special Meeting
Dawson Community College Board of Trustees Thursday, March 19, 2020 – Noon
via Conference Call*
Impact of COVID-19
Move Regular Board Meeting to March 30
Public Comment
*To participate via remotely:
- Dial 406-323-9800
- Enter participant code 6933773#
- State your name followed by the # sign
MCA 2-3-103. Public participation… The agenda for a meeting, as defined in 2-3-202, must include an item allowing public comment on any public matter that is not on the agenda of the meeting and that is within the jurisdiction of the agency conducting the meeting. However, the agency may not take action on any matter discussed unless specific notice of that matter is included on an agenda and public comment has been allowed on that matter… Public matters do not include any pending legal matters, private personnel issues or private student issues. Please do not attempt to address such issues at this time, or you will be ruled out of order.