Glendive Broadcasting once again will “Spotlight” a local non profit.
This February Glendive Broadcasting will utilize all of our media resources to provide a promotional and informational push for the non profit, Child Bridge. Our efforts will focus on showing the amazing work Child Bridge does for the community by facilitating Foster Care Parenting.
Child Bridge is dedicated finding and equipping foster and adoptive families for Montana children who have suffered abuse and neglect. Child Bridge families provide homes for Montana children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Every child deserves a family in their time of greatest need. Child Bridge states on their website that, “Our goal is to make the process of becoming a certified foster parent as clear as possible. From helping introduce you for state approved training to helping families navigate paperwork, Child Bridge is available every step of the way of your journey.”
The entire team at Glendive Broadcasting is looking forward to telling the Child Bridge story. We have locked in on several fantastic features that will be presented on all of our media, including Facebook, KXGN.com website, both of our radio dials and on television. We encourage everyone to follow us as we feature Child Bridge. Stay tuned.
This episode of “Let’s Talk About It” features a visit with Cindy Larsen. Cindy is the Eastern Montana Regional Outreach and Support Coordinator for Child Bridge. In this episode Cindy explains how Child Bridge works. If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Child Bridge program please contact us at (406) 377-3377