The Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 234 of Glendive, Montana recently received a significant grant from the Kool Kids Child Care Center Board of Directors. Funds from this grant were used to enhance the Vietnam Veterans of America scholarship endowment, managed by the Dawson College Foundation.
The membership of the VVA Chapter 234 extend their greatest thanks to Kool Kids Child Care. This endowment was established in 1987. Scholarship assistance to a Dawson Community College student has been awarded since its establishment.
This spring, a $600 scholarship was awarded to Lillian Joyce Crista. “I am honored to be the recipient of the 2019-2020 Vietnam Veterans of America scholarship, Glendive Chapter 234, at Dawson Community College. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your generous and continued support to students with military family backgrounds and your continued support to students who need financial assistance,” said Crista.
“We appreciate VVA chapter 234 for this generous donation and their continued support of this endowment for students attending Dawson Community College,” said Dennis Harp, Executive Director of the Dawson College Foundation.
For more information on the Dawson College Foundation, including how to give, contact Dennis Harp at 406-941-2519 or dharp@dawson.edu.
Dawson Community College (DCC) fosters a culture of excellence in education, providing all students quality learning and opportunities for growth and partnership in local and global communities. DCC strives to become the standard of excellence for institutions of higher education.